Thursday, September 23, 2010

KDrama: Playful Kiss (2010)

Another manga adaptation? There seems to be a serious shortage in imagination. While that may be the case, I was pretty excited about this title since I had previously enjoyed the anime adaptation.

Jung So Min (Bad Guy) and Kim Hyun Joong (Boys Before Flowers) are our leads and they are cute together! So far the drama is following the manga pretty closely. I am most interested to see if they progress the timeline all the way into adulthood as originally intended by the manga author. And I'm relieved that this drama was condensed to 16 episodes from the initial plan of 20. I hope the writers pace themselves and not rush at the end.

*Update 11-16-10* The network broadcast ended with 16 episodes and in an unprecedented move in Korean drama history, the series is continuing on YouTube with 10-minute clips airing in the upcoming weeks. Overall, I enjoyed the series, it was better than I expected and stayed true to the manga. It wasn't quite as popular with the South Korean audience as it was with other Asian countries. Kim Hyun Joong was watchable but I am hopeful he will continue to improve. 4 out of 5 stars.

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