Friday, March 19, 2010

Thoughts: Virgin Snow (2007)

My computer has been tuned into the Lee Jun-ki channel. This movie was like a drama squeezed into a two-hour package. Standard fare, boy meets girl and despite language barrier they fall in love. You can probably guess what happens next and how it concludes. Think along the lines of traditional Korean drama romances.

The lead male character, Kim Min, is goofy and playful. I would say that this character most resembles actor Lee Jun-ki's real-life personality based on the interviews I have seen him in. And he's really not that suave (chuckle). The chemistry between him and actress, Miyazaki Aoi was lukewarm, I was not entirely convinced. Just because there was hand-holding doesn't mean they sold me. They also were quite mis-matched. Given his girly good looks, I think he would have benefited having a knock-out leading lady. Instead, we have a mousy-ish girl who just makes him shine all the more. There wasn't enough of a balance to win me over on the cute couple vote.

If you want to watch a movie just for Lee Jun-ki close-up shots and don't mind the average storyline, then yes, watch it. Be warned though, he's more of a clown in this one than his actual jester role in The King and the Clown. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

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